The Land of Israel

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no creditWhat is the Mitzva of Living in Erets Yisrael?
View the lesson of Rabbi Shalom Gold Zatzal>>
  • Pruzbul
    The mitzvah of Shemittas Kesafim comes into effect this year immediately before Rosh Hashanah. This law cancels all debts that someone is owed, meaning that the creditor cannot force collection.
  • Otzar Bais Din or Heter Otzar Beis Din
    An Otzar Beis Din is literally ‘a storehouse operated by Beis Din.’ Why would Beis Din operate a warehouse?
  • G-d: "I want Israel in the Land - even if they defile it!"
    Here's a question that repeatedly arises: Given that we see some Jewish communities that by and large traditionally observed the Torah and its commandments, yet ceased doing so to a significant extent after they immigrated to the Land of Israel – was it worth it? There were great rabbis who said, prior to the Holocaust, that religious Jews should not ascend to the Land as long as its Zionist leaders were sinners and sometimes even heretics; perhaps they were right?
  • Separating Terumah and Maaser
    I have been looking for a specialty shampoo that contains oat bran. Someone found it in a very expensive store, and it does exactly what I want. One day, after showering, I noticed the label says that it is made in Israel! Does this mean that it is prohibited as Tevel?
  • A Two State Solution- Land for Peace in the Middle East
    The world, and many politicians, feel that a Two-State Solution in the Middle East is the only chance for peace. Without getting into the question whether we can actually trust our enemies and believe them that they may actually lay down their weapons, we must also deal with the question, what does Judaism say on this important topic? Both the Land of Israel and Peace are important Jewish ideals, so what should we do if the two conflict?
  • shutterstock_133447181.jpg
    Missing the Reading
    Why is the Torah reading in Eretz Yisrael differant than the reading in Chutz La'aretz? What does one do if he is travelling during this period?
  • Is It Permitted to Buy an "Investment Property" in Judea/Samaria?
    I would like to buy a home in Yesha (Judea/Samaria) in order to make some money Is this appropriate, or should I assume that it is not a good idea, because it makes it harder for others to fulfill the commandment of settling the Land of Israel?
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